
  • 2020-02-20
  • 系辦公室
  • 教師
  1. 任職於國內外知名新科技及媒體製播企業或校系,具實務經驗的優秀高階人士。
  2. 具備國內外碩士學位者。
  3. 具備英文授課能力者與曾獲國際媒體設計大獎者尤佳。
  1. 應徵資料表(含紙本與電子檔)。資料表請至本系網頁(網址:http://www.bicd.ntu.edu.tw)誠徵教師公告下載填寫,請另將資料表的電子檔寄至本系。
  2. 個人履歷表。
  3. 碩士學位證書影本(國外學位證書需經我國駐外館處文件驗證程序驗證)。
  4. 碩士期間之成績單正本。
  5. 作品目錄(具備新科技及媒體製播特殊造詣或成就,請註明成就或得獎證明)。
  6. 教學理念說明。
  7. 開課計畫(含授課大綱),需提供大學部至少四門課程。已具教學經驗者,請提供課程評鑑成果。
  8. 推薦信三封(請推薦人紙本彌封簽名後逕寄至本系)。
  9. 新科技及媒體製播代表作品一篇,限為五年內(201621日之後)之作品(一式四份)。
  10. 新科技及媒體製播得獎作品或產學合作成果,限為七年內(201481日之後)之作品(一式四份)。
10617 臺北市大安區羅斯福路四段1

E-mail: ntubicd@ntu.edu.tw (來信主旨請註明應徵教師)

Faculty Position Announcement
(Deadline: June 30, 2020.)
Department of Bio-Industry Communication and Development
National Taiwan University
The Department of Bio-Industry Communication and Development, National Taiwan University, invites applications for one full-time position at assistant professor (or above) level. Candidates with expertise in the field of new technology and media production are welcome. The position will become effective February 1, 2021.
Qualified candidates must have a Master’s degree in new technology and media production fields and have practical experiences at organizations or institutions in related fields. It would be appreciated if applicants can demonstrate the ability to teach in English and to be awarded in renowned international media competitions.
Interested applicants please submit the following documents:
  1. Completed application form. The blank form may be downloaded from the web site of the Department (http://www.bicd.ntu.edu.tw).
  2. A curriculum vitae.
  3. Photocopy of the master’s degree diploma. The certification of foreign degree must be verified by the Embassies and Missions abroad, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, R.O.C.
  4. Master’s degree academic transcripts.
  5. A complete list of portfolio (please mark award certificate, special achievements in new technology and media production fields).
  6. A personal statement describing teaching philosophy.
  7. At least four sample syllabi of undergraduate-level courses. Applicants who have teaching experience, please attach the course proof and/or evaluation report.
  8. Three letters of recommendation, signed and sealed, to be mailed to the Faculty Recruitment Committee by each recommender.
  9. Four reprints of new technology and media production composition from February 1, 2016.
  10. Four reprints of other representative composition from August 1, 2014.
All documents must be received no later than June 30, 2020.
Mailing Address:
Faculty Recruitment Committee
Department of Bio-Industry Communication and Development
National Taiwan University
No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei 10617, Taiwan
For any further inquiry, please contact: ntubicd@ntu.edu.tw, or call Ms. Tang at +886-2-3366-4421; Fax: +886-2-2363-5879.