
  • 2018-09-14
  • 系办公室
1. 领域ㄧ:「乡村发展」与「高等社会科学研究方法」
2. 领域二:「乡村发展」与「全球化与发展理论」
1. 任职于国内外各大学或研究机构之专职教学或研究人员。
2. 具备国内外博士学位者。
1. 应征资料表(含纸本与电子档,详如附件)。资料表请至本系网页(网址:http://www.bicd.ntu.edu.tw诚征教师公告下载填写,请另将资料表的电子档寄至本系。
2. 个人履历表。
3. 博士学位证书影本(国外学位证书需经我国驻外馆处文件验证程序验证)。
4. 硕士、博士期间之成绩单正本。
5. 着作目录(请注明SCISSCIA&HCI)。
6. 研究构想、教学理念说明。
7. 开课计画(含授课大纲),需提供大学部与研究所至少各一门课程。已具教学经验者,请提供课程评鑑成果。
8. 推荐信三封(推荐人以申请者曾就读学校之教师、服务机关之长官与同侪为限,请推荐人纸本弥封签名后迳寄至本系)。
9. 代表作一篇,限为五年内之已刊印SCISSCIA&HCI期刊论文(一式三份),申请人需为第一作者或通讯作者。最近两年取得博士学位者,得以博士论文为代表作。
10. 参考着作,限为七年内之已刊印论文、学位论文(博士论文请另附中英文摘要)及其他学术着作(一式三份)。【代表作与参考着作年限请参见应征资料表附件一说明】。
10617 台北市大安区罗斯福路四段号
E-mail: ntubicd@ntu.edu.tw (来信主旨请注明应征教师)

Faculty Position Announcement 
(Deadline: November 15, 2018.)
Department of Bio-Industry Communication and Development
National Taiwan University

The Department of Bio-Industry Communication and Development, National Taiwan University, invites applications for two full-time positions at assistant professor level. Candidates with expertise in the field of rural development are welcome and the priority will be given to (1) advanced research methods for social sciences and (2) globalization and theories of development. The positions will become effective February 1, 2019. 

Qualified candidates must have a Ph.D. degree in rural development or other related fields. Applicants should demonstrate the ability to teach in English.

Interested applicants please submit the following documents:
1. Completed application form. The blank form may be downloaded from the web site of the Department (http://www.bicd.ntu.edu.tw).
2. A curriculum vitae.
3. Photocopy of the doctoral degree diploma.
4. Both Ph.D. and master’s degree academic transcripts.
5. A complete list of publications (please mark papers published in journals listed in SCI, SSCI, or A&HCI).
6. A personal statement describing research interests and teaching philosophy.
7. At least two sample syllabi, one undergraduate-level course and the other graduate-level course. Applicants who have teaching experience or have taught course in English, please attach the course proof and/or evaluation report.
8. Three letters of recommendation, signed and sealed, to be mailed to the Faculty Recruitment Committee by each recommender. 
9. Three reprints of the most representative publication from the last 5 years, which has to be published in a journal listed in SCI, SSCI or A&HCI. The applicant should be the first or corresponding author. Doctoral dissertation published no earlier than February 1, 2016 can be considered as the representative publication. 
10. Three reprints of other representative publications from the last 7 years.

All documents must be received no later than November 15, 2018.

Mailing Address:
Faculty Recruitment Committee
Department of Bio-Industry Communication and Development
National Taiwan University
No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei 10617, Taiwan

For any further inquiry, please contact ntubicd@ntu.edu.tw, or call Ms. Tang at +886-2-3366-4411; Fax: +886-2-2363-5879.